Today the real reputation risk is to teach/promote Standard model nonsense.

I made a summary of all crappy ideas these folks invented over the past 100 years::

The central error has been made by Dirac that did claim a particle can act wave like and couples the same as an EM field (Poincaré). This halve way works for an electron but never for a proton. So all CERN did (invent particles) just is unfounded crap.

The mathematical proves are quite simple, that show the errors made by Einstein/Dirac and others.


On 08.10.2022 20:20, H LV wrote:
Sabine Hossenfelder is an astrophysicist who runs a "no nonsense" science channel. As she acknowledges in the video she is taking a risk talking about cold fusion because it is considered a reputation trap among physicists.

On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 1:55 PM H LV <> wrote:

    "Cold Fusion is Back (there's just one problem)"

    In a new video Sabine Hossenfelder discusses cold fusion


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