On 06.01.2023 17:43, CB Sites wrote:
I think this URL can help clear up some of this. https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/video/can-mrna-vaccines-alter-a-persons-dna

People here mix up what a vaccine (RNA gene therapy in fact) can do without looking at what can happen inside a cell. Reverse transcriptase can potentially be active in any cell as people with AIDS/Hepatitis B know very well. Other virus are ominpresent in your body.
Reverse transcription is responsible for about 30% of your DNA. Most of the historic virus genes are inactive because these are fragmented. Thus in general integration of RNA/DNA into the genome is not the real problem as rarely the whole virus gets entered and after this is just dormant.

The spike protein enters the nucleus as a protein as many other virus do too and blocks mitosis. Measles chicken pox virus, HTLV-1.. stay in diverse tissue after you managed the illness and can reoccur once your immune system gets weaker.

Simply be aware that a RNA vaxxine = gene therapy. And yes there is an other term = gen-editing, what is an other kind of therapy to make gene therapy permanent.

Sorry for the folks that got the useless RNA shot. Try to level up your basic health.

For the German speaking here a summary from Prof. Hadisch a leader of a vaccine institute who refused to vaxxinate his patients...(3 parts)





-- Jürg Wyttenbach
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