ChatGPT Strikes at the Heart of the Scientific World View

That this AI is adaptive and can produce complex outputs is a technical
triumph. But at its heart, it's still just pattern recognition.

Blayne Haggart
January 23, 2023

quote <<ChatGPT itself highlights the intellectual emptiness of the
correlation-as-knowledge world view. Many people have remarked that the
tool produces outputs that read as plausible, but that subject matter
experts tell us are often “bullshittery.” Engineers will almost certainly
design more-convincing chatbots. But the fundamental problem of evaluating
accuracy will remain. The data will never be able to speak for itself.

This is the paradox at the heart of the correlations-based faith in big
data. In the scientific world view, the legitimacy of a piece of knowledge
is determined by whether the scientist followed an agreed method to arrive
at a conclusion and advance a theory: to create knowledge. Machine-learning
processes, in contrast, are so complex that their innards are often a
mystery even to the people running them.

As a result, if you can’t evaluate the process for accuracy, your only
choice is to evaluate the output. But to do that, you need a theory of the
world: knowledge beyond correlations. The danger of a dataist mindset is
that a theory of the world will be imposed, unthinkingly, on the algorithm,
as if it were natural rather than someone’s choice. And wherever they come
from, whatever they are, these theories will shape what the program
considers to be legitimate knowledge, making choices to prioritize some
information over others.>>

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