In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Sat, 8 Apr 2023 14:40:08 -0400:
>ME: ChatGPT is not considered artificial general intelligence (AGI). What
>qualities of AGI are lacking in ChatGPT?
>ChatGPT: ChatGPT, as a language model, has a narrow focus on generating
>human-like text based on input it receives. While it can produce highly
>coherent and contextually relevant responses, it lacks several key
>qualities that are typically associated with artificial general
>   1. Lack of common sense: ChatGPT relies on statistical patterns learned
>   from large amounts of text data and does not have a common-sense
>   understanding of the world. For example, if asked "Can you pour water into
>   a glass made of sugar?", ChatGPT might provide a grammatically correct but
>   nonsensical response, whereas a human with common sense would recognize
>   that a sugar glass would dissolve in water. where did it get this example from, or all of these points for that 

>   2. Limited understanding of context: Although ChatGPT has the ability to
>   generate responses based on context, its understanding of context is
>   limited to what it can learn from its training data. It cannot draw on
>   personal experiences, general knowledge, or reasoning to inform its
>   responses in the way a human would.

General knowledge can be obtained from the Inet. "reasoning" is clearly not 
true. Without it, one cannot reply to a

>   3. Inability to perform physical tasks: ChatGPT is purely a
>   software-based system and lacks the ability to interact with the physical
>   world. It cannot perform physical tasks like walking, manipulating objects,
>   or performing surgery, which are essential for many real-world applications.

There are already robots that perform these things. They require only 
programming to interact with the real world....and
many already have Inet connectivity, either directly or indirectly.

>   4. Limited creativity: While ChatGPT can generate novel and contextually
>   appropriate responses, its ability to create genuinely new and original
>   ideas or concepts is limited. It can only draw on patterns and associations
>   that it has learned from the training data and cannot think beyond that.

...also true of many humans, except that we have a different set of training 

>   5. Lack of self-awareness: ChatGPT does not have the ability to reflect
>   on its own thoughts, actions, or limitations in the way that a self-aware
>   human being can. It cannot introspect, learn from its mistakes, or engage
>   in critical self-reflection.


>Overall, while ChatGPT is an impressive language model, it lacks several
>key qualities that are associated with true artificial general intelligence.

As a species we appear to be doing our best to "correct" this issue. :(
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...pick any three.

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