
Your picture is correct up to level N=3 after this the electron EM flux joins the proton EM flux and as a such is always at light speed. Be also aware that the 1:1 split for potential energy and kinetic energy added is only valid as an average for non circular orbits (toroidal orbits are the normal case).

The only deep e-p orbit that has multiple experimental verification is H*-H* a condensed form of Hydrogen first found by Santilli, later Mills and Holmlid.

Single proton deep e-p orbits are not stable and never could be found except as resonances. H*-H* is very stable and has been run through a separation column. Result: It was transported faster than Hydrogen.

Its bond energy 495.x eV and the second electron bond is weaker due to the reduced external p-p potential. This effect is also known as Rydberg matter.


On 29.05.2023 13:37, Andrew Meulenberg wrote:
Axil Axil,

When a free electron falls into a deep atomic orbit, it gains kinetic
energy and a photon of the same amount is emitted. Both energies are
provided from decay of the nuclear mass.

Is this what you call, or equivalent to, vacuum decay?


On 5/29/23, Axil Axil <> wrote:

*Garett Moddel has patented (it actually works) a device that extracts
energy from the vacuum. *

An experiment that show energy extraction from the vacuum

In his product development, Moddel has found that extracting energy from
the vacuum causes unavoidable decay of the matter that his device is
constructed from. This decay is called vacuum decay and is seen in all LENR
devices that produce energy. Ths decay is a significant issue that must be
overcome before LENR can be used as a reliable power source.

On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 3:12 PM Jones Beene <> wrote:

The premise is that entangled behavior is a feature of an expanded ground
state— the goal being to  harvest zero-point energy from a system whose
ground state naturally features entanglement and redundancy

Jürg Wyttenbach
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