I rest my case and turn to frogs jumping out of the Grand Canyon (1600 meter spot)
which requires mgh  ~ = 8,000 nt-meters (or joules) for a 1/2 kg
frog with great legs.  :-)

A frog this fat will never jump this high ;)

nt = "new tons" ?  ;)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Frederick Sparber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vortex-l" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 6:56 AM
Subject: Re; Electrogravity & Proton Repulsion of Electrons

At the Bohr Radius  (R) = 5.29e-11 meters the Electrostatic Attraction
force (F) between the proton and electron is k*q1*q2/R^2 = 8.23e-8 nt.
Coincidentally, the point  pole magnetic attraction (or repulsion)
force F = uo* M^2/[4(pi)R]^2 = 8.23e-8 nt
Where M is the magnetic moment constant, 4.8e-11 ampere-meter
for any particle.
This suggests that the Bohr radius is the balance point between the electrostatic attraction and magnetic dipole repulsion between the electron and proton, provided that the magnetic fields of the particles are oscillating at some frequency.
The nature of the Proton-Electron-Proton ---> Deuteron
fusion reaction and also the Proton-Proton ---> D + neutrino+ e+
fusion reaction once the  electrostatic coulomb barrier is surmounted
also lends credence to this aspect.
If this true, an Electrogravity Levitation force is attainable between the predominately proton mass of the earth (~ 4000 times that of the electron mass) with manipulation
of electrons and/or energy fields resulting from electron manipulation.

I rest my case and turn to frogs jumping out of the Grand Canyon (1600 meter spot)
which requires mgh  ~ = 8,000 nt-meters (or joules) for a 1/2 kg
frog with great legs.  :-)



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