The article does not say this, but I suspect something like capitalism will
still be required. A percentage of energy tokens may go unused because
many people may be happy to consume less than their alloted share.
The job of capitalists will be to compete for these surplus tokens ensuring
the energy supply is not wasted and that society as a _whole_ remains


OrionWorks wrote:

> ---- "Zell wrote:
>> At the risk of being classified as a Startrek nerd,  they did use
>> something called "gold pressed latinum" on Startrek Deep Space Nine.
>> The Ferengis were
>> always after it.
> The energy certificate concept is interesting, particularly with computer
> technology in mind.
> Take heart Chris. You could be labeled something far worse than a Star Trek
> Nerd.
> A Republican.
> From your friendly commie pinko bleeding heart liberal democrat
> Steven Vincent Johnson
>> Gene Roddenberry never really explained how such a society could
>> function without money, but a possible system was outlined decades
>> before Star Trek first appeared on television...
>> Harry

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