Mark Goldes wrote:
The Importance of Reproducing the Hans Coler 6 kW Generator

Magnetic Power Inc., (MPI), is developing technology that extracts energy from the active quantum vacuum.
I think it's worth pointing out that extracting energy from the quantum vacuum wouldn't violate the laws of thermodynamics, nor Maxwell's equations, nor any of the other long-established pillars of scientific thought (though it might do a number on some aspects of quantum mechanics as currently understood).

It's more akin to punching a hole in the bucket to let in more energy from outside, than it is to breaking the rules as to how things are supposed to behave inside the bucket.

This subject is generally regarded as akin to perpetual motion and is usually ignored by the scientific community. This is a brief explanation of why it should be taken seriously.

Firstly, many eminent scientists since the time of Dirac have proffered the view that the vacuum is an enormous source of energy, not only in the form of classical photons but also and more importantly as virtual photons. Thus extracting some of this energy (and seemingly gaining energy from "nowhere") does not violate thermodynamic principles.

Secondly, advances in materials science and in the relatively new field of spintronics have produced insights into doing things at the quantum level previously deemed impossible, like pumping heat "uphill" (i.e. against the thermal gradient).

Thirdly, there is a large body of evidence that many devices have been built which do extract quantum energy. There are sufficient reputable claims to make widespread investigation worthwhile.

Perhaps a clear path to validation is most readily available by reproducing the 6 kW, solid-state, generator demonstrated, in 1937, by German inventor Hans Coler. A British Intelligence report dates from shortly after WWII, refers to Coler’s developments in Germany going back to 1926 (B.I.O.S. Final Report No. 1043, "The invention of Hans Coler relating to an alleged new source of power" A copy is linked to the Chronology on the MPI website.

There was independent examination of the Coler device by two academic teams of Professors. They verified the excess energy and could find no evidence that the work was fraudulent. At that time no explanation could be given for the excess energy and the academics, fearing for their reputation, did not wish to be associated in public with it. Certainly the inventor himself had views that are scientifically untenable. Today however, some 80 years later, our knowledge allows us to understand why the device worked, and why the inventor held those views, which is a good starting point for creating a replication.

MPI has been contacted by a scientist at one of the National Laboratories who has unofficially undertaken to reproduce the 6 kW Coler generator. We have encouraged other labs to do the same. Should a replication prove successful, the door is open for a quantum shift in mainstream scientific dogma, which today does not recognize that such a device is possible. An engineer/scientist member of the MPI team, who has been active in this field for the last 10 years, and has decades of experience in magnetics, has explored the Coler work. His analysis suggests how, and why, the Coler device demonstrated that energy can be extracted from magnetically active electrons in ferromagnetic material.

National Labs and universities have facilities infinitely greater than we can muster as a small company. A successful reproduction of the Coler 6 kW generator seems worthy of widespread efforts. Therefore, MPI has released copies of our own analysis of the Coler work, to scientists and engineers who supply sufficient evidence that they are employed by National Laboratories or universities. A Ph.D. physicist who was a member of the faculty at a campus of the University of California and a scientist at a University in the UK are among the recipients. The physicist intends to build the device.

From: Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Re: Read it again
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 18:17:44 -0400

Grimer wrote:

The theological virtue of Faith (belief without doubting) may be appropriate for religion, but it has no place in science.

Here is what has no place in science:

Claims unsupported by experimental proof.

These include the often repeated claims that you can extract energy from magnets, or HTSC, or Orgones, without a primary source of nuclear, chemical or mechanical energy. Unless someone can offer serious experimental proof of such claims, I do not think we should take them seriously.

Putting aside all discusssion of dipole magnetic moment and quantum mechanical theory, I think we should all agree that on the macroscopic level magnets act just the way springs do, and there is no known method of extracting energy from them.

Of course there have been many claims of magnetic motors and Greg Watson devices, etc., ad nauseam, but none has ever panned out. As far as I know, they are all gross violations of elementary physics (c. of e.) Can we agree on that?

If anyone here is aware of any such claim that has actually been experimentally proved -- or even tested in a credible way -- please tell us about it.

- Jed

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