Jones wrote:
> I am planning on trying to prove/disprove that part of the equation (pretreatment) soon.
> A simple but meaningful test would be something like this:
> Prepare several batches of 100 gram (or more) water samples - and then
> heat for exactly one minute each in
a microwave oven - then test for
> temperature rise with a digital thermometer...
> using several iterations of:
> 1) untreated rainwater vs.
> 2) treated rainwater vs
> 3) untreated municipal water (control) vs
> 4) treated municipal water.
> Many other types of water may be tested.
BTW, Jones, Liquid Ammonia Autoionizes in a manner
similar to water (2 H2O <---> H3O+ + OH-):
2 NH3 <---> NH4+ + NH2-
Page 57 of this 83 page pdf:
shows Jones how much nitrogren
(3 NO2 + H2O ---> HNO3 + NO )  is in his rainwater. 
Ammonia from the Sun, Jones?   :-)
4 NO + 2 O2 ----> 4 NO2

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