You might remember that I once sought investors in hydrogen, fusion and nanodiamond from the highly intelligent members of this forum - except nobody believed anything I said. Nanodiamond is a Trillion Dollar business that I will not be seeking investors for anymore - as I will attempt to finish what I started myself. My posting of Stanford/Chevron simply proves that "they" are not as resistant to change as many of the self righteous members of this group would appear to be. Stanford/Chevron finally realized how tremendously valuable my discovery is, and invested - just not with the inventor and all that refused to assist me have lost a great opportunity.
Please don't take that the wrong way, but it is as plain as the nose on your face and as simple as a fact can be.

RC Macaulay  wrote:
Chris wrote..
Tonight has been consistent, as someone just informed me that Stanford has hooked up with Chevron to study "their" new discovery of nanodiamond for broad scale industrial applications and something to do with Silicon Vally. The looming question is why I ever thought anyone at Stanford (or any other University that I contacted) would bother to fund my discovery of a never before known, Semiconductive Non Detonation Nanodiamond powder?
Quite the "common" thing to do.
Howdy Chris,
You read my post on patent themes.  Didn't your grandmother ever tell you that people cheat at cards? Hollywood has made a fortune fostering the fable that good guys wear white hats. What is to keep bad guys from wearing white hats to fool the gullible?
A border cantina ( University)  is no place to look for a " friendly " game of cards. The crossed bandeleers and the knife in the boot is a sure sign you are in mixed company.  Ah! Stanford .. where all the hopes and aspirations of the simple and pure in heart clash with "silicon valley and US DOE".
If you want to make a fortune, move to New Mexico, raise long red peppers and sell the strings to the rich tourists. All the patents have expired.

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