Howdy Vorts,
Been an interesting series of comments but I see no consensus.
At the fundamental base of humanity, very few have an inherent evil within. I have met very  few that were evil to the core without any redemptive value.
There seems to be an age , possibly around 6-9 years, where certain patterns of behavior emerge and a set of values begin to form that influence behavior into adulthood.  It is mostly impossible to change a persons mind or behavior once set.since only God can change the heart.
Different religious cultural practice and parental teaching and discipline seems to identify with various cultures. Muslim culture clashes with Judeo-Christian culture and has for some 1400 years. Isreal understands there can be no peaceful resolution so their method of survival is eye for an eye. The Christian method is dependence upon God. We could be seeing the same situation that occurred in the time of the kings of Isreal where 2 Chronicles chapter 20  identifies battles that belong to God.  
The USA is not only a paradox, it is going through another phase of melding of cultures of which the outcome we cannot predict.
Dynamic changes underway have unintended consequences where individual freedoms are further reduced both by the well intended and the schemes of men.
Human nature is influenced by jealousy, vanity, lust and greed which leads to no end of mischief with never ending variations producing one of the most profitable and intriguing industries on the US scene... lawyering. and the military industrial complex so profitable to the Carylile and Blackstone group.
I recall reading something written by DesCartes after his visit to the holy lands regarding his unbelief that the phophecy of the eventual restoration of Isreal couldn't happen because no one lived in the desert region between the western sea and the Persian gulf except a few thousand nomadic herdsmen. Yet the Zionist movement sent settlers to form Kibbutz along the Gaza area in the 1880's They secured authorization from the Turkish Sultan and purchased ( emphasis on bought , not took) the land from the tribesmen on which they drilled water wells and created irrigated farming co-ops ( communes) to sell produce to Europe. After thses farms were established, their next step was to form the Hebrew University to begin the training of a civil service cadre for governing. This long range planning resulted in what Isaiah predicted and a nation was created in "one day" in 1948. There has not been one day of peace since that day. There has not been a day since 1948 that Isreal has not been mentioned in the world news. Phophecy states that every nation that comes against Isreal will injure themselves. A view of the pics of the damage wrought against Lebanon seems to confirm that prophecy.
Maybe the Mexicans had it right in the old days.. when two people couldn't agree, they tied their hands together with rawhide , handed each a sharp machete and advised them to settle the matter between themselves.
Oh! were the disputes of the world that easy to resolve.  But .come to think of it.. trouble usually starts with just two. If the two could be culled out before they were able to hire somebody else to fight their battles. everyone else would be left in peace to chase women, drink whiskey and raise hell.


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