What is disturbing also are the bogus assumptions that pass for thinking
about terrorism. Such as:

Appeasement:  the biggest one of all.  Europeans love appeasement.
Ignore the terror, pay them off,  hope for a better tomorrow.  If that
doesn't work, so what?
                       If your art and literature is swelled with
nihilism - and your baby cribs are collectively empty , remember that
life has no meaning, anyway.
                       Slash your military and pontificate to the rest
of the world like old men on a porch, watching the world go by.  Give
Gaza back and things will
                       improve.  Retreat from Lebanon and things will
get better.  Accept blame for terror and accept Muslim victimhood and
things will get better.

                       Guess what?  The more you do the above, the more
effective terror tactics become!

Imputing "fairness" to others:   related to the above,  what is "fair"?
What was "fair" to Hitler?  More importantly, what is "fair" to radical
Muslims who see it as
                                             their God-given right to
impose their religious law on you?  And that "Dhimmi-hood" ( you PAY
them as cursed infidels) is fair also?

 It is this "fairness" that causes European Muslim leaders to tell their
flocks that welfare payments are owed to them, because the government is
non Islamic
 and non believers owe them money, thereby.

It is this "fairness"  that causes Palestinian leaders to announce that
they will target every city in Israel with rockets after Israel
withdraws from the West Bank.

And finally, the biggest human fallacy in social relations:  Never,
never, never understand that being "positive" to a spoiled child makes
everything worse,
Once the initial capitulation wears off.

I'm sorry you're angry Mr. Hitler.  If you promise to be good, we'll
give you the Sudetenland?  All right, all right,  if you stop the
tantrum , we'll let you have
Czechoslovakia, too.  Please be good, please, please.

Treating these childish nations like adults is long overdue.  Set up
reasonable negotiations and don't let them weasel out of them.  The two
state solution
In Palestine is a good start.  If a Palestinian state ever emerges, it
will exist purely because Israel exists.  Or has Palestine not been
dominated by every
Passing empire across thousands of years of history?

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