Mike Carrell wrote..

Do you advocate policies which guarantee equality of outcome as opposed to
equality opportunity? Be careful of what you wish for, that produces equal
poverty for all.

Howdy Mike,

Ah! The law of unintended consequenses. You may add to the equation the " derivative" consequence. This strange "critter" has morphed into a near uncontrollable super virus that eats anything that approaches it for security, balance, offset, hedge or a host of excuses to foster the great game. Derivatives are now indispensible to the world financial system. Rummy was certainly right in his statement... " deficits no longer matter". A truism when you think about it. SEC was spoiling to "regulate" the beast until the very wise of the world led them aside and explained the facts of life to them. The poor dumb Muslim nations are so far back in the mire of the 6th century that they know they are being used by big petro but they dont know what to do about it except blow themselves up attempting to get even.Ever notice that many of the firebrand leaders in these natiions were educated in Moscow back in their glory days... take for example.. Saddam Hussian,, hmmm. Scratch the surface of the lot and notice they are first Marxist and last Muslin clerics. 

The problem with wanting to play in the world's poker game of life is the need to constantly remind yourself the house wins because they hold the odds which causes  you bet against yourself.

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