My Agema 750 Thermovision camera was used to prove to the patent office - that heat loss within the coil and all attached wires was detected when the plasma drive was fired. The device is not a free energy machine, but fusion was indicated using an Eberline PNC4 Neuron counter. SEM/EDS analysis showed transmutation elements are consistently generated from the Plasma reaction, and my Triton III tritium counter measures some form of radioactive gas which is detectable only after firing the Plasma.
In my opinion, ghosts have nothing to do with these events.

thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Those of you who have been on this list for any length of time have
heard the reports of cooling associated with F E machines. I am
listening to Joshua P Warren, the author of How to Hunt Ghosts, being
interviewed on C to C AM, . What first got my
attention was the subject of cooling associated with ghosts. This effect
can be photographed with a thermo imaging camera, I've seen this
phenomena. This was before our local CBS affiliate dropped Unexplained
Mysteries, bummer.

Mr. Warren went on to mention electrostatic potential meters, as a tool
to detect ghostly phenomena. Then he mentioned ion wind, which is
induced by these potentials. It would seem to me that if I were in this
field, perhaps my body would get cold. However, would this phenomena
manifest in open air, the way it did for the thermo imaging camera. Does
anybody know anything about this?

Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, he recounted a
seance held in hanger 84 as Roswell. This exercise was conducted as a
part of producing an episode of Discovery, which as I recall, is a
program which airs on one of the alphabet channels. During the seance, a
spirit snake showed up on several of the high definition video cameras
they were using. Discovery has decided against airing the video, well
there are somethings which conflict with the agenda of the Powers That
Be, and that, IMHO, is one of them. Art Bell's question was where he
could get a copy of that DVD. I'd like to see it too, but I'm not going
to hold my breath.

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