Just a thought that I might add.  BP is owned by Sultan of Kuwait.  In Kuwait 
and in the 'Magic Kingdom' it is called 'Q8' and not BP.  Eventually it may 
be renamed as to its true ownership here as well.  The sultan is not in any
danger of getting poor.  Although his country is at the head of the Arabian
Gulf and his oil, a lot of it, goes through the Strait of Hormuz.  That 
passage might just get blocked for a long time if our American Prez has his
way and provokes a stupid war and totally unecessary and counterproductive
war with our natural allies in the region, Iran.  Yes, our natural allies!  
If that strait is blocked, say by a sunken ship, clearing it may be next to 
impossible as it would have to be done under constant fire.  The risk is that
a ship sent to raise the ship may just end up sunk on top of the first ship
and there would be more ships to raise, still under fire.  This of course 
would  mean that oil prices would skyrocket on a bibical scale, to be joined
later by similar increases in food prices.  Takes fuel to run tractors.
Who knows, maybe the sultan knows something we do not.
During the Iran/Iraq war, ship sinkings often went unreported for days, and
unexplained drops in shipping company stock were often because of these.
The lack of reporting allowed insiders to sell off their holdings, leaving the
public holding the bag.

Standing Bear.

> >Subject: Beyond Petroleum
> >
> >aha...good info...thanks
> >
> >they don't call themselves British Petroleum anymore ...just BP... ughh.
> >
> >Maybe I can forgo the name Steve Krivit and just have people call me SK?
> >
> >;)
> >
> >SK
> >

> >>Hi Steve:
> >>
> >>
> >>I presume you are referring to British Petroleum.  Given the problems
> >>they are having with their pipeline I don't think you need any pending
> >>major news.  Whatever comes out of that is going to be between bad and
> >>worse. There is clearly culpability on BP's side.  What is not clear,
> >>yet, is whether it will be negligence or malfeasance.  Cutting down on
> >>gas cards may be liability limiting move.  OTOH, as it says on the gas
> >>card home page, the Web site is new.  It could simply be that the site
> >>does not work right.
> >>
> >>-xxxx

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