On Thursday 14 December 2006 07:11, Terry Blanton wrote:
> On 12/14/06, Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Terraforming the planet, or maybe humanoidoforming US.  Think of it!
> Star Trek TNG, season 6, episode 20, "The Chase":
> http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/series/TNG/episode/68598.html
> But the message is wasted on the participants just as the messages of
> our Avatars are wasted on humanity, eg the Jews and Moslems are both
> children of Abraham.
> As long as Yaltabaoth controls this world, there "can be no peace."
> Terry

I do not know what Yaltabaoth is, but have all the Treks on DVD of
all the series and all the movies.  Do not need a web site. 
 Like you
I am pessimistic about our prospects for peace.  Too many religionists
running around with violent philosophies, and too few opponents willing
to stand up to them.  We are in for a time of rampant expansion of
middle eastern religionists who seek to the path of threats, violence,
and war.  These folks are like the ones the Roman Catholic Pope
described when quoting a certain Paleologus.  That person was the 
last Eastern Roman Emperor before Constantinople fell to become
moslem Istanbul.  His family got its revenge, kind of.  Paleologus' daughter 
married well......Ivan the Terrible of Russia, and Ivan severely punished
the Turks and took much territory from them.  

What would truly unite humans, however, would be if we got a very public
and undeniable visit by folks from another system.  The culture shock
would change politics and world views literally overnight.  Those folks
are out there and so far have probably maintained a discreet distance
like there was some kind of trek like 'prime directive' in operation.  I feel
that some contact has been made at a governmental level in some 
countries.  So any folks out there who are not from here and are reading
this feel free to make yourselves more publicly known.  You will be doing
humanity a really huge favor.  For if you do not, this planet will lose a 
large part of its population in fratricidal and genocidal wars within a 
decade or two.  The outcome is by no means certain that supporters of
scientific progress will win.  Humanity's loss will be your loss as well, as
off planet the population density thins greatly, and loss of sentients
anywhere is a loss for the galaxy.

Standing Bear

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