Terry wrote,


"China chokes on a coal-fired boom
Michael Sheridan

Toxic cloud of progress can be seen from space

A GREAT coal rush is under way across China on a scale not seen
anywhere since the 19th century. Its consequences have been detected
half a world away in toxic clouds so big that they can seen from
space, drifting across the Pacific to California laden with
microscopic particles of chemicals that cause cancer and diseases of
the heart and lung.

Nonetheless, the Chinese plan to build no fewer than 500 new
coal-fired power stations, adding to some 2,000, most of them
unmodernised, that spew smoke, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into
the atmosphere. "

Howdy Terry,

They must have energy so they use coal. China is obviously aware of the havoc the use of coal will wreak on their long term plans. Consider they are painfully aware of the need for clean cheap energy,, Taken another step, it is conceivable they are feverishly searching for such a source. Taken another step, it is conceivable they have searched the world's data bases on new energy research and know about research in Cold Fusion and have known since 1990's. It would not be hard to take the next step and consider they are researching this field now and are ahead of the rest of the world.

Why so, you say??
A little tidbit of info.. the Hydro Hub of Singapore.. a consortium of National University of Singapore ( NUS) and some of the leading world corporations like GE Water and Siemens Water. Why would firms like these be investing in research in water on such a large and integrated scale ( co-operative ventures) ?

Because they are aware and know something. What do they know? I suggest they know of some technology being advanced. Some connection between new energy forms that have application in water treating. Our tiny company in Texas is researching a miniscule segment of this new water technology. We ship product into the Pacific Rim and receive enough feed back to sense a dynamic emerging out of HydroHub.

What nation has the must urgent need of a new form of energy? China of course. They have discovered something and this discovery has application in other fields of science.

Taking a huge step .. pure conjecture would suggest the names of the players.. GE and Siemens.. are sufficent to think it fits. These two players in the great game are not kids nor fools. They don't invest 1/2 bil bucks in HydroHub Singapore unless they already have their money back with interest. Who in the world is GE anyway??? Well !! think GE Capital Corp and let that steep awhile.. think Bank of New York and Mellon Bank recent joining at the hip to manage some 22 TRILLION in assets worldwide. Think WalMart and Home Depot, the nations largest retailers. Think Boeing and Siemens.. How do they all fit together.. They are the great game.. not just one of the players.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we are looking, wondering when the science of Cold Fusion will finally become mainstream. Answer, it took about 30 seconds after F&P announced their research in the 1990's for the players in the great game to understand. These people are tough.. they stay on top.. strong take it away from the weak, the smart takes it away from the strong, the bank holds the money for the smart. One of the smartest moves in the past 10 years is.... China forced the brits let them into Hong Kong banks. Nope, they ain't fools. China now controls the world's money management system.


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