On Thursday 25 January 2007 09:30, OrionWorks wrote:
> Vorts,
> FYI,
> Some of you might enjoy reading the following short clip recently posted
> out at zpenergy.com.
> See:
> http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2206
> http://tinyurl.com/3bkvey
> Perhaps Mark can share with us a little more about the details, that is
> without stepping on all the pertinent NDAs that I would imagine are in
> place.
> Sigh... China trumps again!
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

   Makes on wonder if this event, if true, and the recent Chinese 
anti-satellite weapon test were somehow related.  Maybe a warning
to the oil monopoly and its various governmental bought and paid for
'friends' that the price of suppression, harrassment, or interference
with the distribution of this technology to third world nations would
probably lead to a war from which the national hosts of these monopolies
have now no immunity...and will not see coming.  They well remember
what happened to Pons and Fleishmann.  Of course the Chinese would
have to have seen convincing proof of concept.  They are neither stupid
nor rash.  Only speculation....then there was the mysterious jamming
possibly allegedly from either deep space or an otherwise 'unknown
source' of satellite and commo signals in the north African and western
middle east and southern European areas from the afternoons of the
past Tuesday and Wednesday.  No one will comment as to the source
according to SpaceDaily.com?

Standing Bear

Nice website...I'll take two of them in my garage anytime and tell the 
electric corporations to go to heck.  How many others are thinking
the same?

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