Musings on Gravitational Mass and the elusive Magnetic Monopole.

Ask yourself this:
Does the Earth's gravity do work on a golfball moving in a circular orbit
around the Earth? I don't think so.

Now consider an electron moving in circle in a plane perpendicular to a
uniform magnetic field. The magnetic field also does no work on the

The similarity suggests gravity is a 3-dimensional version of this
2-d magnetic example.

Suppose the Earth is a magnetic monopole so its gravitational field
is the field of a monopole. Then gravitational mass is the monopolar
expression of magnetism.

Magnetic Monopoles have eluded us because we think they must be exotic.
In fact they are rather mundane.

Note: Maxwell's equations of EM only need to be tweaked slightly
to allow for magnetic monopoles. (see reference below)



The Structure of the Magnetic Field

del·B = 0 

B is the magnetic flux (in units of tesla, T).

Equivalent integral form: †AB·dA = 0

dA is the area of a differential square on the surface A with an outward
facing surface normal defining its direction.

Note: like the electric field's integral form, this equation only works if
the integral is done over a closed surface.

This equation is related to the magnetic field's structure because it states
that given any volume element, the net magnitude of the vector components
that point outward from the surface must be equal to the net magnitude of
the vector components that point inward. Structurally, this means that the
magnetic field lines must be closed loops. Another way of putting it is that
the field lines cannot originate from somewhere; attempting to follow the
lines backwards to their source or forward to their terminus ultimately
leads back to the starting position. This implies that there are no magnetic
monopoles. If a monopole were to be discovered, this equation would need to
be modified to read

del·B = rm 

where rm would be the density of magnetic monopoles.


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