The good thing about this thread is that anyone with a computer can pretty-much call themselves an expert climatologist, as there are few pundits with phoney-baloney PhD's who can can actually prove them wrong.

Show any "expert" (getting a fat Federal paycheck for felicitous "science" consulting) a long-term climate trend that they don't like, based on statistics, and the first thing you hear is the "lies, damn lies, and statistics" repartee and redrawn distorted charts.

Not only that, but the Rashomon Effect rules. And our local News Media, at least here, spends million$ on a three-day-horizon guesstimate for weather forecasting, yet any fool with a Farmer's Almanac can make a better prediction most of the time. We the public, do not all want to hear about melting glaciers in Alaska, it seems, when the weather locally hasn't changed all that much.

Having said that, let me add that the Vikings most likely called Greenland by that name to encourage colonization to a remote and hostile land (1.5 extra degrees of warming during that time frame does NOT change that god-forsaken spot into an Eden)

... This name-scam happened all the time in those days, and never stopped really - not unlike the house of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha changing over to the more palatable and Brit-sounding "Windsor" so as not to be associated with what some call their Aryan supremacy heritage ... and ...yes there are still hundreds, that's right, hundreds of wineries in England:

IOW the book in question could have been written just as authoritatively by 100 monkeys with typewriters instead of just the two ;-) ... and yet there is definitely some truth to the more general truth of solar cycles influencing weather.

However, the big (huge) problem in acknowledging that "inconvenient truth" of AlGore ... which is both inconvenient and true, is that the present Petrocracy (which is the problem, not the solution) wants you to believe that humans do not aggravate that solar cycle situation by the wanton burning of fossil fuels. Total BS coming out of the White-House. This is the same greed-mentality that assured the residents of Love Canal that there was not very much of a health problem living there.

IOW the NeoCon morons pay for this kind of self-serving bogus science, so that they will not be held partially responsible for the aftermath - and so that we, the people, will not have the moral fortitude to tax oil drastically- like the Euros do except even more.

That is the fear of the seven sisters and the War-Hawks - a $3-5 gallon oil tax going hand-in-hand with elimination of Federal income tax, and drastic cutting of military budgets [not to mention: hybrid auto rebates paid for by SUV and Beamer-class purchasers] - God-forbid that the main beneficiaries are the working-man (who will end up with more cash in the end as Fed taxes are far higher than his tax burden, but must drive a hybrid) and the main looser is the military-industrial complex. Anyone who wants - and can afford the SUV or Beamer-class auto, or the toasty mansion, can still have one, but they must pay a fairer share for that indulgence.

We, as an intelligent society, could cut oil consumption in half AND eliminate the Federal Income Tax (on the lower bracket 85% of citizens) simply by implementing a large enough oil tax, collected at the well-head or port-of-entry. But the present administration wants to label that kind of sentiment as anti-American, or even worse "liberal". Heck I might get a visit from the Patriot-police, even though this is *pure basic conservatism* folks ! (far from the neocon variety).

And then the 'suits' go so far as to pay for - yes actual "payola"- so-called "climate experts" (like the two monkeys with computers) to bolster their greed with shoddy science, and they will go so far as to even dig up Gore's personal power bill out of the trash - to make him look like a bad guy for exposing a small part of their scam. He is the prototype Cadillac liberal, no doubt about that, who doesn't mind keeping a large Mansion extra warm and toasty in the winter.

Shame on the Petrocracy (and shame on Gore too for his personal excesses, which should not matter as to his idealism). But the most shame -- goes to those "bought-and-paid-for" climatologists - the monkeys with computers.


peatbog wrote:
thomas malloy wrote:
Jones Beene wrote:


In fact according to another scientist's controversial theory, we may
be headed in the direction of a "Maunder Minimum",

... which... to Meander into cold cynicism, is another solution to the
global warming problem.

I have previously mentioned Avery and Singer's book, Unstopable Global
Warming Every 1500 Years. They make the point that the Vikings it called
Greenland for a reason, and their colony was subsequently frozen out.
The Romans grew wine grapes in England.

With all that warm weather, were sea levels higher? Was half of
present-day London under water?

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