There is an uproar rising among the conspiracy-theory-crowd over what is being labeled as yet another 9/11 smoking gun - but this time from across the Atlantic.

Last week an independent researcher, reviewing video archives of the BBC's 9/11 coverage, divulged the earth-shaking incongruence. A BBC reporter in Manhattan - the lady-talking-head at the center of this forming vortex - as she was reading the news to Brits - with the WTC 7 building actually still standing behind her in the live feed - announced the collapse of the 47 story Building a over 22 minutes BEFORE the actual collapse! Wow.

This building, WTC 7, is clearly visible, standing tall, as the reporter gestures to the live view through the window behind her (it is near the end of the video, so be patient). Then her live feed to England (evening News there) is mysterious clipped as the discovery becomes apparent - as if somebody in-the-know has realized the terrible mistake and that the script she had been given was a bit, shall we say- "premature."

Despite the fact the Google has reportedly censored and removed the initial internet premier of this vid, removing it totally from their US website, several independent "mirrors" picked it up overseas. Here is one from the notorious conspiracy-monger named Alex Jones. Was this vid somehow "photoshopped"?

Some may find this video simply bewildering (me) or a coincident and harmless mistake, since it is conceivable that they just got things a bit confused at the teleprompter. That kind of coincidence is hard to swallow, however, in the midst of the other inconsistencies which are reverberating louder and louder amongst a vocal minority, many of them (former) supporters of W. This is not partisan politics any more.

You can be your own judge, as the only thing which is sure about this is that some Vo's will reject it out of hand, and will choose not to even watch it, since they do not "want to" believe the implications ... not unlike the genius Bob Park when handed peer-reviewed papers confirming cold fusion.


BTW - the BBC, when shown this, claim that they "lost" the official tapes of their 9/11 coverage, and that it is a "cock-up, not conspiracy." Not sure who they intend to finger as the bumbling rooster, as it is hard to deny something is seriously amiss here, if you can offer nothing official in response.

Hmm... They just happened to lose their coverage of the most critical and historic event in the 21st century? Now that is harder to believe than that the video has been photoshopped.

The BBC's general policy on media management states that the following components to be retained:

· Two broadcast standard copies of all transmitted/published TV, Radio and BBCi output – one to be stored on a separate site as a master · One browse-quality version for research purposes, to protect the broadcast material
· All supporting metadata to enable research and re-use
· A selection of original (i.e. unedited) material for re-use/re-versioning purposes
· Hardware/software/equipment to enable replay/transfer of the media

Hmmm... come to think of it - Blair did seem to be in bed with W from day one. Absolutely zero hesitation on buying the war imperative. Is that because he had been forewarned of many details in advance? How could that have filtered over to the BBC so soon? Surely British pols do not trust the BEEB that much, to keep a secret, do they ??

The truth will "out" ... given enough time.

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