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Physicists Modify Double-Slit Experiment to Confirm Einstein's Belief 

Work completed by physics professors at Rowan University shows that light is
made of particles and waves, a finding that refutes a common belief held for
about 80 years. 

Shahriar S. Afshar, the visiting professor who is currently at Boston's
Institute for Radiation-Induced Mass Studies (IRIMS), led a team, including
Rowan physics professors Drs. Eduardo Flores and Ernst Knoesel and student
Keith McDonald, that proved Afshar¹s original claims, which were based on a
series of experiments he had conducted several years ago.

 An article on the work titled "Paradox in Wave-Particle Duality" recently
published in Foundations of Physics, a prestigious, refereed academic
journal, supports Albert Einstein¹s long-debated belief that quantum physics
is incomplete. For eight decades the scientific community generally had
supported Niels Bohr¹s ideas commonly known as the Copenhagen Interpretation
of Quantum Mechanics. In 1927, in his ³Principle of Complementarity,² he
asserted that in any experiment light shows only one aspect at a time,
either it behaves as a wave or as a particle. Einstein was deeply troubled
by that principle, since he could not accept that any external measurement
would prevent light to reveal its full dual nature, according to Afshar. The
fundamental problem, however, seemed to be that one has to destroy the
photon in order to measure either aspects of it. Then, once destroyed, there
is no light left to measure the other aspect.

³About 150 years ago, light was thought to behave solely as a wave similar
to sound and water waves. In 1905, Einstein observed that light might also
act as being made out of small particles. Since then physicists found it
difficult understanding the full nature of light since in some situations it
acts like a particle and in others like a wave,² Flores said. ³This dual
nature of light led to the insight that all fundamental physical objects
include a wave and a particle aspect, even electrons, protons and students.²

Afshar conducted his initial theoretical and experimental work at IRIMS,
where he served the privately funded organization as a principal
investigator. He later continued his work at the Harvard University Physics
Department as a research scholar, where he was able to verify his initial
findings before going to Rowan.

In 2004, Afshar claimed that he had devised an experiment that challenged
Bohr¹s principle of complementarity. The Rowan team was formed to verify
Afshar¹s claim at extremely low light intensity levels. Afshar, Flores and
Knoesel conducted experiments at Rowan that validated Afshar¹s initial
findings for single photons.

In this modified double-slit experiment, a laser beam hits a screen with two
small pinholes. As a particle, light goes through one of the pinholes.
Through a lens system, the light is then imaged onto two detectors, where a
certain detector measures only the photons, which went through a particular
pinhole. In this way, Afshar verified the particle nature of light. As a
wave, light goes through both pinholes and forms a so-called interference
pattern of bright and dark fringes.

³Afshar¹s experiment consists of the clever idea of putting small absorbing
wires at the exact position of the dark interference fringes, where you
expect no light,² Knoesel said. ³He then observed that the wires do not
change the total light intensity, so there are really dark fringes at the
position of the wires. That proves that light also behaves as a wave in the
same experiment in which it behaves as a particle.²

The findings of the Afshar experiment were published online on January 23 in
the Foundations of Physics, an international journal devoted to the
conceptual bases and fundamental theories of modern physics, biophysics and
cosmology, with several distinguished Nobel laureates on its editorial
board. The print version was published in the February 2007 edition and is
now available in libraries throughout the world.

³The important new contribution is that light carries both wave and particle
aspects at all times, and future experiments will further clarify the nature
of each component.² Afshar said.

Flores continued, ³It is interesting to note that even after 80 years we can
still gain a better understanding about the nature of light using refined
measurement techniques and creative ideas and therefore are able add to the
vast insights of former scientists.²

Citation: Paradox in Wave-Particle Duality, Shahriar S. Afshar, Eduardo
Flores, Keith F. McDonald and Ernst Knoesel, Foundations of Physics, 23
January 2007, DOI 10.1007/s10701-006-9102-8

Source: Rowan University

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