Indeed Paul, whether you and Dr Brenda and the IPCC are 
right is irrelevant. The real question is, can humanity remediate global 
warming, and how, we should be practical about this.

Thomas suggested some drives as propulsion means for space parasols, but it 
seems to me that since the parasols will be submitted to photon pressure 
anyway, it would be great if they could be entirely sustented this way (solar 
sails). Indeed, whatever the mass and reflective area of the parasol, there 
must exist a spot on the Sun-Earth line where it will be in equilibrium between 
solar attraction, centrifugal force and photon pressure, comments/criticisms 
welcome on this.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Lowrance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

> Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
> [snip
>> Should we try to cut emissions of "bad" gases? Sure, why not, but not at 
>> the detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class. 
>> Maybe anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a 
>> severe tax increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be 
>> used to buy those dandy carbon credits. Call is the "practice what you 
>> preach" tax. No more or less stupid than the "how many congressmen does 
>> it take to change a lightbulb" thing, or however that little gem of 
>> bovine waste product was worded.
> I agree more people should focus on this issue. When so many climate 
> scientists 
> now agree with recent* data that smog, etc. etc. etc are indeed causing 
> appreciable damage then who should care that the Sun is having a bad cycle?  
> I 
> mean, we can't change the Sun, but the effects caused by modern society are 
> real 
> and undeniable. We should try to improve.
> It seems the major debate in this thread is what's the major cause of global 
> warming-- humanity or the Sun.  Really, who cares if humanity is 51% of the 
> cause and the Sun is 49%, LOL.  So what? We shouldn't care.  Fact still 
> remains 
> that humanity is a big cause, period. Therefore I would agree with Kyle's 
> post. 
> Lets focus on how we can improve things. Lets try to encourage more minds 
> focusing on this issue.
> Regards,
> Paul Lowrance

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