Yes - I've had a few run-ins with people who (a) have never been inside a 
factory let alone gotten their hands dirty in one, and (b) have no idea what 
it's like to be an "hourly paid" working dude, most times at the mercy of 
"trends".  Then there's the joy of shift-work...

My own take on energy - I'm in the Cold Fusion arena, at least as a support 
person - is to bring Cold Fusion to the people; the real people, that is, who 
often have an intuitive wisdom far greater than the overly educated.  Bring 
Cold Fusion to the people in the form of solid, practical applications, and 
they'll buy into it.  Do NOT bring cold fusion to the government or academia, 
for some kind of approval (or funding), because both will (and have) talk it to 


----- Original Message ----
From: Kyle R. Mcallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 11:47:40 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Read posts before replying, PLEASE

To all, and some in particular, and some not in particular....

Please READ people's posts before posting replies. That means the whole 
damned thing, whether or not you agree with it. If you do not take the time 
to read the entire thing, either because you are too lazy to do so, or 
because the content disgusts you, then you do not have the necessary courage 
or fortitude to make a decent reply. Period. Exclamation point. At sign. 
Divide by. (you get the point I suppose)

Case in point: Jeff Fink was attacked for being supposedly on the side of 
the oil companies. He specifically stated in more than one post that he is 
all for getting OFF of the addiction to oil. Stop attacking people when you 
do not read the entire post.

Again, WHY is it that the side which questions Global Warming as caused by 
technology the polite and thoughful side, yet the majority (not all, some 
are OK) of the pro-industrial caused Global Warming side is really beginning 
to paint themselves as hateful scumbags who do not give a damn what happens 
to the working class people, as long as "Owl" Gore is A-OK, and his carbon 
credits too. Inevitably, it seems, any attempt to discuss what is going on 
scientifically becomes a gaggle of ultra-liberals swooping down to brand 
everything as partisan or political. Next, the neo-cons emerge from their 
lairs and counterattack with remarks that make the first group of idiots 
look right. No science then gets discussed. The working class are still left 
driving the evil automoblile, and no one says, hey, lets make some real 
world, nuts and bolts engineering to actually DO something about this, and 
help the "little guy" out in the process.

Also, why are we bringing religion and religious prophecy into this? This is 
supposed to be about science, not theology.

A couple personal points:

To Paul Lowrance: the above is not directed at you. Though I disagree with 
you on the issue of Global Warming, your posts have been quite polite and 
civililzed, and I thank you for that. And, regardless of whether or not we 
agree or disagree on GW, I am right here with you in wanting to see the end 
of the oil-burning age. Maybe a thread should be begun to discuss real world 
solar/etc., how we can make it cheap, ideas, experiments on such, etc.?

To Dr. Mitchell Swartz: Your post was brief, but very good, in my opinion. I 
for one am glad you are still on the list.

To all of us: Now lets go do some experiments, and find some answers. We 
here on Vortex are a myriad collection of peoples from across the globe, 
with many different backgrounds and with our own unique skills. Let us work 
together, and try to really find the answers. Or to put it more humorously, 
with due apologies to the great folks who made "Animal House":

OTTER: In this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation 
absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's 
BLUTARSKY: We're just the guys to do it!
BOONE: Lets do it.
<Mayhem and madness ensues>

--Kyle, hopefully not on "double secret probation"

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