Howdy folks,

I suppose I couldn't stay away for too long. Things have settled down a
bit, so maybe I will be posting again. In any case, I waded through a
few hundred emails from the group, finally going back into my account.

About the Nimtz FTL's a link that has some interesting
things to say (or not say, depends on your point of view):

I love this quote:
"The second question is interesting because the speed of light is not
defined in a way that is intuitive to non-physicists. Suffice it to say
that, for the evanescent wave, the speed of light is zero, and therefore
any measurable speed is faster than the speed of light. "

Am I the only one that finds the statement "(not) intuitive to
non-physicists" a little alarming? Since when is V = D/t so bad a
definition for velocity? If its bad, we better quit saying meters/second.

It is almost as if some people want things called by such oddball names
and defined in such weird ways simply so no one who is not educated
(maybe better term would be, indoctrinated) can't understand it. Carl
Sagan was hated for popularizing science by many of his fellow scientists.

I guess this may offend some of the more religiously inclined, if it
does, please don't take it the wrong way... but...
Am I the only one seeing a strong similarity between the "main stream"
scientific community and the "main stream" Christian church? In both
cases, everything is hidden in terminology and dogma; if something makes
a part of the theory/belief look odd, we just move the goal posts or
redefine things; and only (especially with Roman Catholicism) the
'ordained' can understand anything. A big no-no for the little people to
try and interpret things.

That said...who here wants to make a shitload of plastic or wax blocks,
cut them with a chopsaw, and make a gunn-receiever and yank the guts out
of a 900W Sears microwave oven, and do this the the right way? Hell,
they said efficiency of tunneling drops off drastically with distance.
So, f**k efficiency. Lets do it the 1960's General Motors way, and throw
more power across it. If we get a combined gap of say 10 meters or so,
and can actuate circuits before a light beam can, well, that is
information transfer to me. Any takers? I suppose we would need to
modulate the microwaves in some way as well.

Yes, I have done quantum tunneling on the desktop. Used two beeswax
prisms. The effect is very weird.


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