To answer Stepehen Lawrence's question.. the answer is ..I do not know, I was not there and I have no inside knowledge. The information provided by news sources and governments is now a matter of record , however, each must draw their own conclusions when conflicting views are published.

My personal conclusion based on observing the two towers collapse and the later building 7 collapse allows me to remain skeptical. One tower collapse I can buy, two towers collapsing in identical form stretches the imagination, three buildings collapsing in identical form not only cannot be imagined, not even a drunk at the Dime Box Saloon would buy it..Unless, or course, you happen to have graduated from Yale.

You can sell a "Yalie" anything. That observation must cause no end of grief in government where political and bureaucratic staff is overwhelmingly Harvard or Yale.

No wonder the institution is so paranoid.. just look at the lineup for the Democratic presidential nominations... not counting our present honcho.


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