On Friday 14 September 2007 14:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> thomas malloy wrote:
> >The discussion about the missing nuke makes me wonder about stealing 
> >one verses buying or building one.
> All of the expert opinion I have seen is that it would be easiest by 
> far to purchase a "loose nuke" from one of the ex-Soviet Union 
> states. This is the most likely scenario. Many of the bombs are held 
> in poorly guarded facilities, which are manned by corrupt troops who 
> often go for months without pay.
> The US and Russia have a joint program to destroy these loose nukes 
> and improve the security of the remaining facilities for bombs and 
> also for radioactive material from disassembled bombs and nuclear 
> reactors, which can be used in a dirty bomb. Unfortunately the Bush 
> administration has reduced funding and delayed the completion of the 
> program for many years. I regard this as most worst terrorist threat, 
> but also -- paradoxically -- as the easiest to eliminate. Terrorism 
> is supposedly the main concern of the Bush administration, but their 
> inaction on this proves that they are not serious about terrorism.
> A few experts have suggested that a terrorist might be able to buy 
> one from North Korea but based on their failed test last year, Mizuno 
> and I do not think the North Koreans are capable of making nuclear 
> weapons. This points out the extreme difficulty of option three: 
> building one. If the nation state such as North Korea cannot do it, I 
> think there is no chance that a small organization could 
> independently build one. It would be like surreptitiously trying to 
> manufacture an Apollo rocket, or a billion-dollar microprocessor fab plant.
> - Jed
If the Nut(north)Kases(koreans) are able to make one of these at all, it is 
probably of very low yield.  Maybe that was the intent, to make a 'suitcase 
unit' for sale abroad to shady people.  As for stealing one, forget it in the
United States unless one's group is prepared to lose a couple of dozen troops 
in the attempt, or is extremely fortunate (unfortunate for we yanks). 

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