Interesting stuff!

On Oct 26, 2007, at 7:10 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Esa Ruoho wrote:
seems like this has been updated

This is now shaping up as a very important experiment with a bona fide energy anomaly, and with a possible ZPE explanation. The anomaly is most evident in the form of electrical-in to lumens-out.

Near the bottom: LED Heat production was tested using the simple single coil circuit as shown in multiple images and described above. Ten LEDS were grouped together and enclosed by placing a Styrofoam tube around them and wrapping the tube in insulation wrap. A digital thermometer was used that reads to 0.1'C and has an accuracy of +/- 0.1'C. The ambient temperature was measured with a digital thermometer calibrated to NIST Standard Reference.

The test chamber was allowed to equalize with the ambient temperature. As seen in the photo the start of the first test shows the test chamber device at 24.7'C and the ambient at 24.6'C.

The first test was run for one hour.

Results of 1 hour run;
LED test chamber 23.0'C --- Ambient 24.5'C


The results of the first test were interesting and it was decided to run another test for a longer period of time. The second test was setup in the same was as the first and lasted for four hours. At the end of the four hours the readings were;

Results of 4 hour run;
LED test chamber 24.0'C --- Ambient 23.8'C

The above may be a sign that the results indicate a fluctuating ambient temperature, with the insulated inside response delayed. I have seen results similar to this on unrelated experiments, using my Omega DP531R 5 probe thermistor thermometer and YSI 401 probes which combined are rated to produce temperature readings with .2 C absolute accuracy and .02 C resolution. It is indeed surprising that there is not a clear temperature *gain* inside the insulation though, since power is being fed to the LEDs.

[small gain]


OK this is important for several reasons. The light emission is being captured in the setup and adds to the stabilized heat- which is essentially zero gain.

This setup was done out of expediency to get a closed system. If - however - the light were let-out through a clear window which kept heat from coming in - then there would undoubtedly be a real temp drop instead of a tantalizing hint of a temp drop.

A clear glass dewar flask would be handy to let out photon radiation, including IR heat. Maybe a bubble wrap window would do in a pinch? The insulation you are using apparently doesn't have a foil reflector in it, so it should be radiating in the low IR range very effectively. It's just a visible range window needed apparently.

That could be indicative of a what one would expect from ZPE coherence - which is a THERMAL LOSS of one form of energy as ambient energy is converted to another form (light) but at the same time the LoT are being maintained.

I would think just the opposite were true. If ZPE is tapped then the temperature should rise. If temperature drops then this is a sign of a Second Law of Thermodynamics violation.

IOW ZPE in effect "props up" the thermal spectrum;

The effects of ZPE are normally unseen - i.e. neutral.

and when it is withdrawn, then there is an unavoidable temp drop,

Removing ZPE, as caused in a thin gap, should not drop temperature, should it? It might alter the absorption and emission spectra somewhat, but dropping temperature measurably doesn't seem likely. The Casimir force is symmetric - i.e. the energy gained sticking things together is lost when they separate. Gee - here's an idea though. If the Casimir force can be used to adhere and *compress* things against a natural force, like the Coulomb force, then when the ZPE is momentarily removed, things would fly apart and re-gain the compression energy originally supplied by ZPE. Repeat millions of times a second and maybe you have something? Unfortunately this cycle should provide excess heat.

Ok, so some atoms zap together, at least in part using the Casimir force, and in the process radiate. Thermal energy pulls them apart. This produces a thermal drop in addition to the radiation. The Casimir force may be in part fueling the LED photon generation, and undoing this requires thermal energy.

Hmmm... photons are generated in LEDs when holes and electrons annihilate. What does the really mean? An atom with a deficit takes on an electron from an atom with an excess electron. The Casimir force might provide some of the energy help bring them together in a vibrating lattice. After the electron transfer and drop in energy state, the atoms have to be pulled apart somewhat due to the excess Casimir force, and that takes thermal energy. Perhaps the key to making this happen is to operate the LED right at the threshold where photons are produced. Operating in a biased high frequency regime with potential rapidly cycling right across that threshold might just make that possible. Further, it might be possible optimize the effect independent of the one wire circuit by simply systematically decrementing the operating voltage while examining the temperature of an insulated LED.

which may be masked it the total energy is stabilized by keeping all the energy in one place. If and when light is not downshifted back to heat - we may see what is perhaps the first bona fide evidence of ZPE coherence in a simple reproducible experiment.

Very important clue IMHO.


Horace Heffner

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