Michel sez about Nanosolar:



> ...back in July, Roscheisen told us: "Yes, we're on track with this. Do not 
> expect an
> Apple-style product launch, though." Roscheisen tells us that the company has
> reached that goal with production at its San Jose, Calif.,manufacturing 
> facility.
> We're not sure to what extent production is being done, but Roscheisen says
> there will be more info coming soon..."
> Impressively on schedule. Nothing about this on their site 
> http://www.nanosolar.com yet.
> Michel

Makes me speculate that they may be concerned, as well they should be,
that they might receive too much publicity, and subsequently orders,
before they are prepared to meet demand.

In the greater scheme of things it's not a bad place to be! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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