There is a most enjoyable new non-fiction book out now
by Daniel Levitin: "This is Your Brain on Music". This
"obsessive" and seminal work goes beyond pop-sci into
the cutting-edge of physics and neuro-biology; and
there are a few "free energy" implications as well.

Many of those implications can be better understood by
combining this book with Levin's "Superwaves" book,
mentioned here before:

For whatever reason, I have noticed that what seems
like a greater than average number, if not
"inordinate" number ;-) of scientists, who are
demonstrably open-minded on such controversial
possibilities as so-called "overunity", are also
fascinated by music. 

Now, there is a emergent neural pathway to morph
everything relevant into one pursuit towards a shared
goal ...

One of Levitin's points in the book, is that listening
to music can, over time, open up 'pathways' of sensory
understanding, in the human brain (patterns of neural
connections) which are capable of being used for other
purpose, and which are otherwise NOT open or
accessible to those who do not enjoy music. 

Whether or not this opening of new neural linkages
provides an extra degree of open-mindedness, or
increased level of comprehension, in and of itself, is
not clear, but this subject is so new that it has
never been investigated, AFAIK. 

Nevertheless, the broader subject of (music -->
intellect) is provocative... and needless to say, even
more 'subjective' is (resonance--> free-energy).

Now, on to the way more controversial Keely. 

John Ernst Worrel Keeley (1827-1898) was part PT
Barnum huckster and part ground breaking (so-to-speak)

His 'Sympathetic Vibratory Physics' has been enhanced
since then by others, based on Keely's 50 years of
study about how sound could be used to change the
physical properties of objects... but the story is
muddled by Keely's practice of employing an occasional
slight-of-hand to enhance his results (to investors). 

In 1888, when California Gold Fever had infected all
of America, he demonstrated a "rock disintegrator"
based on sound, which led to massive funding from
mining interests. Unfortunately, Keely was seriously
afflicted with 'inventor's diesease' and refused to
share all the secrets derived from his R&D, which was
slow-moving, and this incurred the wrath of investors.
Legal problems followed, and he lived out his
aging-years, poor and forgotten. This refrain sounds
reminiscent, if not identical to the chorus sung by
Stan Meyer, Pantone, Puharich, and many, many others
on the fringes.
Among other specific details of that work, which
remain today, Keely asserted that on the creation of a
transmissive sympathetic chord of "B flat, third
higher octave," in a transducer, when passing "into
inaudibility" (ultrasound) would, among other things,
crush rocks into powder, or "liberate ozone by
molecular percussion".

I am trying to located any references to other
anomalies associated with "B flat, third octave," in
other fields, and therefore if any reader of this
knows of any such results - even in art or music,
please reply to this posting with details.

All of the above can serve as a preface to an
interesting little YouTube video, which may or may not
be relevant to free-energy. If not, you can use the
sound for meditative purposes:

But wait! ... back to Keely's work with ozone - keep
this in mind:

Ozone is potentially everywhere (that humans can go).
The high oxidation potential of ozone, which is 50%
higher than chlorine, can easily double the efficiency
of combustion. Oxygen itself, until it is made
reactive (ROS) is actually fairly inert. Otherwise we
would all spontaneously ignite(some few may do this
anyway ;-)

If one could convert a large percentage of the oxygen
in air, into ozone cheaply enough, and "on-the-fly"
... say, in the manifold of an automobile engine, then
that ability alone, with absolutely NO other
modification to the engine at all, and technically
within the bounds of physics and the LoT, will
potentially double the available heat output (less the
parasitic drain)

To put a dollar figure on that ability? ... how about
half, or even a quarter of the value of all the
transportation fuel consumed in the world?

Now that is music to my ears, although to the Aram ear
 and OPEC taste, it may sound a bit cacophonous.... 


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