Thomas wrote (about the "Minnesotans for Global Warming" song):-

<<Thanks Steven, that video was a treat. MN4GW has been advertising on
am1280 the patriot radio station. The BBC just reported on the record
cold in Afghanistan, people are loosing hands and feet. I'm not going to
say it>>

Well I will say it; Thomas is suggesting that because of the cold snap in Afghanistan that therefore global warming cannot be happening. This is because he and others seem to think global warming means that everything is going to get warmer everywhere. Only 6 days ago (7th Feb) I posted this

<<Perhaps it would help if they were reminded that the "global warming" expected is only an AVERAGE figure for the whole globe. The effect will be to add more "energy" to the reactions and interactions of the atmospheric systems. Weather should become more
extreme. Droughts will increase. Dustbowls will become more frequent.
Flooding will happen more often and more severely and, also, snow storms will become worse. In addition to increases in intensity and frequency, extreme weather events will happen in places where they never used to>>

Other Vorts posted similar comments slightly earlier. Clearly Thomas has forgotten or is turning a blind eye deliberately or is impervious to, any reasoned answers that countermand his preconceptions.

Going back to the "Minnesotans for Global Warming" website ( ) this is actually quite nice and cute (although incredibly mistaken, mislead or misleading) - at least these guys have a great sense of humour. Their songs reminded me of the "Bare naked Ladies" song "If I had a million dollars" (I'd buy really expensive ketchup)!

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