Howdy Vorts,
Give the students a high mark for trying to live their dream.

We have been reviewing our company's performance and financial position for preparing new business strategies for the next seven years.

.Our conclusion is we do not have sufficent information on which to base a forward looking strategy. We have concluded that if we lack the information, the like is so for both government and the corporate world.

This atmosphere produces uncertainty and offers us the best understanding of why LENR science has been stymied by mainstream academia. Fear has permeated the corporate world. Fear cultures a host of unexplanable reactions. Fear has not yet reached academia or government because of their supposed insulation afforded by every increasing taxation. We are watching a 21st century form of Boston Tea Party evolving where a divorce from the crown takes place with the corporate world fleeing to safe havens offshore. Take toys away from undisciplined children and expect unpredictable reactions.

These kids in Florida would do best by studying how to survive.


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