a free ride when you've already paid....

At 10:48 AM 4/15/2008, you wrote:
its like rain on your wedding day.

which is to say, very cyclical history, very sad, rather amusing in a
dark way, but not irony.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Steven Krivit
>  Tesla Motors, the Silicon Valley maker of electric sports cars, filed suit
> in San Mateo Superior Court on Monday against a competing company and two of
> its employees, saying they stole some of Tesla's design ideas and trade
> secrets.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/15/technology/15tesla.html?_r=1&th&emc=th&oref=slogin

That which yields isn't always weak.

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