--- Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

> Hence 2830 eV would correspond to a p value of about
14 not 104

...right you are - in Mills accounting. I was using
the Hartree energy in the way that Arie de Geuss
proposes, but that is mixing of metaphors, so to
speak, and is my mistake ...


> BTW this capture notion is very similar to that
> proposed by Ed Storms.

Which is a good sign - as it is entirely possible that
Mills got most of it right, but not all of it; and in
fact, there could be differing M.O.s depending on the
magnitude of the initial shrinkage... (i.e. whether it
is step-wise or extreme)

I still wish that the K-shell value for chlorine
worked for both the Mills and Hartree view... too
bad... although you have proposed a more Millsean M.O.
that could work for chlorine in a situation where
monatomic H was available.


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