Howdy Ed,
While it is possible that each of the three may have solutions, none are the prime issue which is the posture of the US Govt. Anyone that has a recent experience with visiting a social security office is well aware of the real issue. I wondered why an armed guard was needed ar a SS office.
This vid clip says more than words and is indicative of the attitude of the young educated. Ask them and hear their view that the system is broken and the only way to fix it is to allow it to collapse. They may be correct because the mid generation operates on the assumption that homeland security and FEMA will be there to protect us in times of calamity... BUT.. not if there are stuck on an escalator. Ever notince the vids of the people stranded on the freeway overpass in New Orleans in the Katrina flood? Notice the TV crews in trucks that drove in. How did the trucks get there if the roads were flooded? THe same for the superdome and the convention center.
the giant escalator stopped and the people are helpless.

Ed Storms wrote,
I suggest we have three separate issues here.

1. Cost of oil that is used to make gasoline.
2. Cost of gasoline.
3. How much oil is used in the US for transportation.

Each of these issues have a different solution and consequence.

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