The following method provides what appears to be a means to build a nanoscale zero point field powered motor, a true free energy motor:

(1) let two parallel thin plates attract in the axis normal to them, the x axis, gaining energy from the attraction of the plates due to the Casimir force. Use that movement, say mechanically or by heat generation or by conversion to electrical energy, to do useful work.

(2) Slide the plates apart sideways, say in the y axis. This will cost some of the energy gained by the attraction, but should cost far less than just separating the plates while they move only on the x axis, because the opposition from the ZPF is base on the size of the edges of the plates.

(3) Move the now separated but still parallel plates back to the original position by a route that avoids a separation distance smaller than the original separation in the x axis. This should take nominal energy.

(4) Repeat the cycle as fast as practical.

A good means to implement this scheme at nanoscale is to make one plate, call it the oscillating plate, a plate free to move in the x axis, though with small angular (tilting) motion, be a long flexible plate located above a rotating plate. Near the oscillating plate and parallel to it provide a rotating wheel which brings into proximity to the oscillating plate a segment of the wheel which acts as the second plate for the Casimir attraction. A line normal to the plane of the oscillating plate is approximately parallel to the axis of motion of the wheel, i.e to the plane of the rotating plate. The rotating plate could be in the form of a wheel with major portions of opposed quarters removed. By removing opposed quarters, or at least a symmetrical group of segments, the wheel remains balanced. The oscillating plate requires a blocking mechanism to prevent contact between the oscillating plate and the rotating plate due to a runaway attraction of the Casimir force. Energy from the motion of the oscillating plate can be extracted as electrical energy by various means. Since far less energy is required for the separation of the oscillating plate and the rotating plate than the energy produced by their attraction, some of the energy from the motion of the oscillating plate can be used to drive the motor. The oscillating plate returns to its starting position by spring action, and is at the point of maximum spring displacement when closest to the rotating plate. Multiple oscillating plates can be used with a single wheel, and if convenient, they can be located on opposed sides of the wheel. Either the flat side of the wheel or the cylindrical side of the wheel can be used for the rotating plate active surface. If the cylindrical side is used then the oscillating plate should be curved to fit its contour.

Fig. 1 through Fig. 5 portray steps in the relative motion of the plates of the suggested device. The oscillating plate is represented by ooo's, the rotating plate by xxx's. For drawing convenience the x axis is vertical in all the figures, the y axis is horizontal. The direction of motion of the plates is shown by arrows. The proportions chosen were merely for ease and clarity of communicating the motions.

Fig. 1 shows a starting configuration of the repeated steps. As the rotating plate moves into opposed parallel position the x axis Casimir force develops between the two plates.

The Casimir force begins to move the oscillating plate toward the rotating plate, as shown in Fig. 2, and increases as both the exposed area increases and the x axis separation distance decreases.

The point of maximum approach is shown in Fig. 3. A motion blocking structure (not shown) stops the x axis motion of the oscillating plate.

When the rotating pate moves laterally away from the oscillating plate, as shown in Fig. 4, the area exposed to the Casimir force is reduced and thus the Casimir force is reduced and the oscillating plate begins to return to its original position due to the spring action associated with that plate. The increase in the x axis separation further decreases the Casimir force. Finally the configuration reaches that shown in Fig. 5, which is identical to Fig. 1, and thus the cycle is closed.


     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ->

                               Fig. 1

                          ooooooooooooooo  |
               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ->

                               Fig. 2

                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ->

                               Fig. 3

                          ooooooooooooooo |

                                 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ->

                               Fig. 4


                                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ->

                               Fig. 5

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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