and this is cross posted here becuase....?

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Steven Krivit
> Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 20:18:24 -0800
> From: Steven Krivit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Freedom of Information and Open Science
> Steve; you are obviously monitoring this thread through a second agent.  I
> would ask both of you to stop.  In the event that this does not stop then I
> ask you both - and ALL in this situation - to agree as gentlemen (or
> gentlewomen) to be bound by the rules of this list.  Anyone who reads this
> material is de facto a member and I, personally, hold you to these rules*.
> This is not to say that I disagree with what you say or your right to say
> it.  I do not agree with the principle (or value) of making public, material
> from an intentionally private list.
> Mike,
> With all due respect to your outstanding and important achievements and
> contributions to the field, I do not agree with the principle (or value) of
> intentionally making secret scientific discussions among a non-commercial
> group of people.
> It is true that the CMNS list has a rule about secrecy. However, this rule
> is unjust and ill-founded. Yours, or anyone's judgment about being a
> "gentleman" or "gentlewoman" is just that, your judgment.
> I am happy that you consider me a member of the list. I cannot, however,
> abide by nondisclosure, regardless of whether "you personally," or even for
> that matter, if George Bush *personally* holds me to these rules.
> The CMNS list secrecy rule is a constraint on my personal civil liberties as
> well as an obstruction of free press.
> As you can tell, the people (not just one) who are leaking list messages to
> me, do not believe that it is in the best interests of this scientific
> society to be secretive. I, and perhaps they too, do not believe it is in
> the best interests for people who are providing information to this
> community via the CMNS list be shielded from the media spotlight.
> Free speech and the freedom of the press are fundamental values in a
> democratic society. Even people in the U.S. government are subject to the
> Freedom of Information Act. I can imagine that people who wish to control
> the press might wish to control the press's access to information. You are
> treading on sacred ground my friend.
> God bless America!
> Steve

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