
All these things are just the energy vector.

At the moment we are constrained to the wheel running on road. (It's been
like for millennia until someone comes up with non-aerofoil levitation).

The most graceful solution to mobility of apelike-bipeds is the electric
motor >80% efficient.

The whole business of heat and reciprocating engines will seems quaint in
ten years.

I am of the opinion that I can make a heat battery say CaO + water (or how
about CaC + H2O -> ethylene for you ICE fans). 

Useless low grade heat at the moment but with the ferrofluid temporary
remenance cycle I do at uni. heat will just routinely become another form of
energy you can transform too at 100% efficiency.

I mean a pendulum (in vacuo) cycles KE to PE and we see no mystery.

Take a coupled ensemble of those pendulums and the nice motion you've set up
at the start becomes randomised - you have trouble getting it back and we
call that entropy increase. However the individual pendulums are still,
perfectly inter-converting KE and PE.

Put something on the scale of these little atomic pendulums (moving on in
the argument) and you can tap and cohere this motion. Yes it a Maxwell Demon
but it can be done if you know your way around the Maxwell Demon arguments.
Basically you must have a discriminant function to decide what's fast and
slow (a gate etc.). The arguments come down to that your function gets
randomised because it is getting knocked about too (its small, on the scale,
right?) or that it is blinded by the isotropy of the radiation, or that it
must have a little computer running it and this inevitably rejects more heat
into the environment than the d.f. is trying to reduce.

All the old arguments are bogus if you use phase changes and think out of
the square. This can be argued macroscopically (thermodynamics T-S diagrams,
meso-scopically considering the chemical potential and nano-scopically by
molecular dynamics simulations. That's what I'm up to and I feel a renewed
vigour after all the years of boredom. It is an interesting subject.

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