Jones Beene wrote:

That would be 'nemesis'. Nemesis has always been thought to be a hypothetical red dwarf star, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 70,000 AU and beyond the Oort cloud, which
Perhaps the reason that we do not see a red dwarf where one should be, for this 
nemesis postulate to be correct - is that it is an ultracold dwarf instead of a 
hot red dwarf. Perhaps it is composed mostly,  Perhaps we will discover it when 
we start looking for a magnetic signature, not a photonic signature.

You heard it first on Vortex <g> ... which a few readers prefer to think of as 
edging closer to SciFi than SciMy (which is 'what I was taught') ... so be it...
About 10-12 years ago I first heard about Nibiru on C to C AM. Last spring Pat Bailey sent me a link, which I have believe that I posted, it is a link to a Utube video which shows a blurry spot of light which is identified as Nibiru. It's said to be headed this way. It is scheduled to arrive in the inner solar system in 2012. So in a couple of years we should be able to start making measurements of the object's interaction with the solar system. Exciting times, eh?

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