The paper copied here by Remi Cornwall is available here:

Remi: Next time, give us the URL please.

This paper has merit, but the assertions in it about cold fusion are
nonsense. I wrote to the author, Prof. Wilson:

Greetings. I read you paper on cargo cult science.

Your assertions about cold fusion are incorrect. Thousands of
professional scientists have replicated the cold fusion effect, at
hundreds of laboratories such as Los Alamos and BARC. They have
published roughly a thousand papers in mainstream, peer-reviewed
journals describing these replications. This extensive literature was
available when you wrote this paper, but you did not include any
references to it. I get a sense you are unfamiliar with this
literature, because your assertions (along with Huizenga's) are at
odds with it.

Before you comment on experimental research, it is customary and
strongly recommended that you first read the peer-reviewed literature
on that subject.

You will find a bibliography of 3,500 papers on cold fusion and 500
full text papers here:

- Jed Rothwell

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