LENR may be closer than once believed if you consider that once an LENR heat source becomes reliable, a refrigeration cycle driven gen set becomes more sensible.
Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

If some form of fusion energy is developed, then this could turn out to be a wasted investment, since it assumes that energy distribution is most cheaply
accomplished when that energy is electrical.

Plasma fusion would need the electricity grid. It would probably
concentrate it even more than present day fission, which is the most
concentrated method (with the fewest, largest central generators).

Granted, however that wasn't really what I had in mind. I was thinking more in
terms of either CF or my own process.
CF may eventually be built into individual devices, but that isn't likely to be
true immediately. My own process would at least initially be most suited to
small generation plants (e.g. the size of a normal sub-station).
In both cases, a HVDC network would not be needed.

Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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