Harry Veeder wrote 11-21-08:

Cosmos Online, Monday, 17 November 2008

``Earth's minerals have evolved over time

SYDNEY: Geologists have found that Earth's 'mineral
kingdom' has co- evolved with life, and that up to two
thirds of the more than 4,000 known types of minerals can
be directly or indirectly linked to fiological activity ...''


Hi All,

Has Gaia produced us fire-making animals to stop Earth
from plunging into another deep freeze?  You may find the
follwoing of some interest:

Jack Smith



``Nanobacteria: surely not figments, but what under heaven
are they?


Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas,
Austin, Texas 78712, USA

Received February 11, 1997, published March 4, 1997

Summary: Nannobacteria are very small living creatures
in the 0.05 to 0.2 micrometer range. They are enormously
abundant in minerals and rocks, and probably run most
of the earth's surface chemistry. Although I conjecture
that they form most of the world's biomass, they remain
"biota incognita" to the biological world as their genetic
relationships, metabolism, and other characteristics remain
to be investigated.


Nannobacteria are dwarf forms of bacteria, mostly 0.05
to 0.2 micrometers, about one-tenth the diameter and
1/1000 the volume of ordinary bacteria. The word was first
published as "nanobacteria" by Richard Y. Morita in 1988,
but I used the spelling "nanno-" to conform with geological
usage, e.g., "nannoplankton." ...


The important role of nannobacteria in the mineralogical
world was discovered through dumb luck, idle curiosity and
random reading. There was no LIFETIME RESEARCH PLAN or THIS
simply looking for a good excuse to continue doing field
work in Italy because I loved the food and lifestyle, and
hit upon the idea of working on the travertines of Rome
(travertine is a whitish type of limestone, usually porous,
formed in springs, lakes and streams, and has been used
as building stone in Rome for 2000 years).

Together with Professor Henry S. Chafetz of the
University of Houston, I began work on the Italian
travertines in 1979.  In the course of this research it was
discovered by chance that "normal-sized" bacteria, mainly
sulfur-oxidizers, had played a very substantial role in
precipitating this stone from the warm springs at Tivoli.

Before this discovery neither Chafetz nor myself knew or
cared anything about bacteria, as we were specialists
in microscopic examination of limestones. In 1988, I
returned to Italy to study the hot-spring travertines of
Viterbo, about 50 km northwest of Rome. A new electron
microscope with magnifications up to 100,000X began to
reveal hordes of tiny bumps and balls. At first I passed
them off as artifacts of sample preparation or laboratory
contamination, as had every other scientist who had studied
minerals and rocks with the scanning electron microscope
(SEM) ...

After a year of doubts, a little reading in Microbiology
unearthed the fact that very small cells called
"ultramicrobacteria" did in fact exist. With further SEM
work, slowly the realization dawned that there really were
entombed in minerals enormously abundant cells of this
minute size (Figure 1), and in some examples the minerals
seemed to be entirely made up of nannobacteria as closely
packed as beans in a bag ...

Sometimes within a single crystal of mineral, part of
the crystal would be crowded with nannobacteria and parts
would be deserted, belying the idea of artifacts or "that's
the way minerals naturally dissolve." Their occurrence in
chains and grape-like clusters further attested to their
true living status ...

Although DNA analysis of mineralized nannobacteria has
yet to be done, some attempt has been made by medical
researchers who find "nanobacterial" cells the same
size as those I have observed, with cell walls that are
very tough and that are resistant to acids, stains and
poisons. Because of the tough walls special methods are
required to isolate the DNA which occurs as very short
strands (O. Kajander, Univ. Kuopio, Finland, personal
communication) ...


At the initial discovery site, the hot springs of Viterbo,
Lazio, Italy, some nannobacteria are found in untreated
samples along with rare bacteria of normal size (Folk
1993b). However, upon slight etching with HCl, hordes of
nannobacteria are revealed entombed in the calcite and
aragonite crystals, like peanuts in peanut brittle ...

Once they were discovered in the travertines of Viterbo,
nannobacteria were soon found in limestones and dolomites
(CaMg(CO3)2) in rocks of all ages back to two billion
years old (Folk 1993a) ...

Silica minerals also show evidence of precipitation by
nannobacteria.  Such has been observed to be the case
with opal, chalcedony, chert and cristobalite (Folk
et al. 1995). They are revealed by brief etching with
HF. Again, some cherts consist of very closely packed
nannobacteria, in other samples they are scanty or even
absent ...''



``... Nanobacterium sanguineum was proposed in 1998 as an
explanation of certain kinds of pathologic calcification
(apatite in kidney stones) by Finnish researcher Olavi
Kajander and Turkish researcher Neva Ciftcioglu, working
at the University of Kuopio in Finland. According
to the researchers the particles self-replicated in
microbiological culture, and the researchers further
reported having identified DNA in these structures by
staining ...''



Hydrides and Anhydrides by C. Warren Hunt, 1119
Tel. (403)-244-3341, Fax (403) 244-2834, E-mail:

``Hydrogen being 90% or more of all matter in the Universe,
must have been abundantly present in the formation of
the early earth. The consensus among scientists has been
that most primordial hydrogen was expelled as the earth
accreted. New evidence challenges the consensus raises
questions as to the validity of other long-held geological

The new evidence involves the behavior of hydrogen nucleii,
which at pressures characteristic of mantle depths have
shed their electrons and inject themselves inside the first
electron rings of metal atoms. Thus sequestered within the
earth, hydrogen may comprise as much as 30-40 percent of
total earth mass today.

Hydrogen penetration into metals was demonstrated by
Vladimir N.  Larin, a geologist, whose project over the
last 34 years has been research in the USSR and FSU on
sources of natural hydrogen. Three major effects result
from the phenomenon: (1) transmutation, (2) densification,
and (3) fluidization ...

>From this data it is easily shown that the excess core and
mantle density above that of the crust can be attributed
to injected hydrogen, and the density differences between
inner core, outer core, and lower mantle can be treated
as phase effects. In this scenario the idea of an iron
core is superfluous ...

Carbon ... probably is prominent in the form of carbides
in the interior.  Its primary hydride form, methane
(CH4), although energy-laden like silane, behaves quite
differently in three important contrasting ways.  First, it
does not react with water; second, its combustion products
are only gases; and third, it enables the biosphere.

Where silane is stalled in the crust by reacting with
water, methane and hydrogen released by its partial
oxidation proceed upward in fracture pathways.

Methane and hydrogen seep into deep, shield mines and
through porous members of sedimentary series. Both are
major constituents of fluid inclusions in sub-oceanic
basalts as well as in shield granites. Their migration is
differentially impeded due to their different molecular
sizes.  Methane may be trapped temporarily, while hydrogen
escapes. Both enter the atmosphere worldwide on a large

Thus the hydridic earth image comprises a mobile inner
geosphere of highly-reduced, dense, intermetals and
carbides, an outer geosphere of oxidic rock that has
accumulated incrementally through geological time, and
a transient liquid-gas envelope. The image implies a
core that is neither iron nor very hot, because the heat
source for endogeny is primarily not primordial heat but
the chemical energy released in the upper mantle and lower
crust, near the crust-mantle boundary by hydride oxidation.

Hydrocarbons other than methane are partially oxidized
carbon forms, and thus unlikely to occur in any form but
methane in the earth's interior where extreme reducing
conditions prevail. When methane rises to outer crust
levels from the interior, its chemical energy is available
to metabolize bacteria and archaea that live there in total
darkness at elevated temperatures. They get that energy
by stripping hydrogen from the methane and oxidizing it

When bacteria and archaea strip hydrogen from methane, they
create 'anhydrides' of methane, CH3, CH2, etc. Two CH3s
combine to make C2H6, ethane; two CH3s and one CH2 make
C3H8, propane, etc. The process is known on the surface,
where outcrops of petroliferous strata sometimes are sealed
by bacterially produced tar seals behind which live oil
has accumulated. In this case, bacteria have stripped
hydrogen from live oil, rendering it immobile.

Anhydride theory merely extrapolates the process backward
to explain stripping of methane, the lowest carbon
numbered hydrocarbon.  Petroleum can be interpreted as
degenerated methane, a product of the biosphere. Petroleum
produced by bacterial stripping of methane is, a mixture
of anhydrides of methane, an organic product produced from
inorganic methane.

Coal and oil shales are also anhydride products. In peat
and kerogen-rich shales, partially oxidized carbon is
present that has lost electrons and thus carries positive
charges. By contrast, the carbon in methane that effuses
from the highly reduced earth interior has acquired
electrons and is negatively charged. Opposite charges
cause capture of effusing methane by peat and kerogen ...

The terminal anhydride, pure carbon, the main component of
the purest coals and asphaltites, and protein molecules
(porphyrins and others) that are found in petroleum and
coal are molecular residues of organic origin.

The fact that coal and oil shales have more carbon and
hydrogen than their peat and fossil predecessors is
clear evidence that fossils cannot fully explain their
origins. These high carbon and hydrogen contents of oil
shales and coals require abiogenic additions, whereas
organic molecules require organic provenance. Methane and
petroleum found in coal seams and organic shales should
be seen as evidence of methane capture, not methane

The topology of petroleum occurrence is a further defeat
for the argument in favour of either an exclusively organic
or exclusively abiogenic origin for petroleum. If oil
were either rising from primordial sources in the earth's
interior or created in 'oil windows' by catagenesis,
the more mobile fractions would escape from the depths
and be found more abundantly near the surface and less
mobile fractions, low gravity oils, would be present at
depth. Exactly the opposite is the norm. Methane gas,
the most mobile hydrocarbon, is more abundant with depth,
worldwide; and tars, the least mobile, are most abundant
at and near the surface ...

Working backwards through the above points, we can
say that:

Topologies of hydrocarbon occurrences indicate that methane
effuses from the interior, not petroleum; ...
and that the discovery that hydrogen nuclei under pressure
penetrate atomic shells of metals, transmuting the metals
to intermetals, densifying them, and fluidizing them,
creates an entirely new geological picture of the earth's
interior, of endogeny, and of the mode by which the crust
was created [and also of the almost infinite supply of
petroleum and methane waiting to be found.] ''

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