Harry Veeder wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:39 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Man cured of AIDS
>> This has been both a fascinating and lengthy discussion thread.
>> ...
>>> A rock, imo, is conscious of the Earth but it is not self-conscious.
>>> It is knows to fall to the earth, but it doesn't worry
>>> about hurting itself.
>>> It solves many problems if we grant consciousness to so called 
>> "dead"> matter, and instead ask how uncousciousness and self-
>> consciousness arose.
>>> Harry
>> "Self-Consciousness" may be over rated.
> Do I detect a note of sarcasm? ;-)
> I use consciousness and self-consciousness as synonyms for awareness and
> self-awareness.

I don't, and I don't agree with Jed on a number of points, but
unfortunately I ran out of energy on debating this one so I am going to
let it slide (and anyhow it is kind of off topic).  I'm actually happier
with an assertion that rocks are conscious than I am with an assertion
that behavioral psychology has already provided an answer to the
question "what is consciousness?" but whatever...

It's been a busy and somewhat stressful week here, as our newly acquired
(and obviously conscious!) family member, who had previously been living
under our porch (and whose picture I have attempted to attach -- we'll
see if it goes through) has been throwing up regularly since she got
back from her checkup at the vet a few hours after her arrival.  It's
apparently a bad reaction to the antibiotic which was supposed to keep
her from getting sick.  Feedings once every hour, and every third
feeding, she barfs ... oy.

One of these days I may post the parts of Cattic which I've deciphered
-- a half dozen "words" (mostly non-visual) and a few "sentences", a bit
more complex than one might have expected, but probably all innate
rather than learned...

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