Reading the indictment reveals the BO team wanted the guv to give the senate seat to BO's crony and BO would take care of the guv in a coupla years. The guv wanted sum'tin for the seat besides a socalled promise. The guv obviously didn't trust the BO team and led to the guv calling BO a MF. I don't blame the guv. After all, wouldn't it make you angry for some thief tried to steal you ill gotten gains? The solution is to put the FBI wiretappers in jail for not having a wiretapper's union card. Meanwhile, Jesse Jackson gave away turkeys and sum'buddy's sure to call him a chicken thief before it's over.
Not even Hollywood could come up with these story lines.

The Chicago Democrat machine could give the Godfather lessons in how to
steal armed with just a briefcase...

R C Macaulay wrote:

I don't see any reforms on the horizon as yet. The horse thief's union
meeting, held at the Dime Box saloon,  were appalled at  learning
there were crooked politicians in Illinois.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Horace Heffner"

What a commentary on how things sometimes get done, and the need for
the reforms in progress and even more.

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