>From Terry:

> Watch the spin and you will see a beat frequency between the camera
> shutter and the lights.  If the spin was constant the wheel beat
> (motion) would not change.  (You've seen car wheels turn backwards on
> car commercials as the lighting of 60 hz heterodynes with the shutter
> speed of the camera).  Because the beat changes, the wheel speed is
> changing and likely slowing.

Yup, I noticed that too, bro. Especially in the beginning. However, in
the last segment the wheel RPM "appeared" (at least to me) to have
stabilized somewhat. Perhaps that was an optical illusion.

BTW: TNSTAAFL: Please translate.

>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB1gslDaeS4
>> Great video. It seems so simple. Who-da-thunk!
>> What's da catch?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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