On Mar 10, 2009, at 5:59 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

A Meteorological Agency video camera captured dramatic images of a volcano erupting a few hours ago in Japan, at 6 am local time. The video is here at the Asahi newspaper website (text in Japanese):


The location is at Sakurajima, Kagoshima pref. in south Kyuushu.

A Met. Agency official is quoted in paragraph 1: "There have been no volcano related earthquakes, tremors or other indications that a large scale eruption is likely, so we do not think that citizens need to evacuate at this time."

The latest eruption is 2.5 km from the nearest settlement, where 15 people live.

- Jed

The latest volcano to threaten my location is 9,000 ft high Mt. Redoubt, even though I live about 200 miles away:


As you can see, the volcanoes here are more about ash plumes than lava. The last eruption dumped ash over a 20,000 km^2 area. See:


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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