>From Mark Iverson:

> This sounds too good to be true... a wind generator that doesn't need any
> wind!
> http://pesn.com/2009/03/11/9501531_Boswell_windless_turbine/
> -Mark


> Strange Phone Calls
> Jim said he has tried to contact media, motor and government
> officials from local to national, but that so far the response
> has been essentially null -- at least directly.  Indirectly,
> he said he's started getting threatening phone calls saying things
> like "stop building your equipment", letting him know they know
> how many kids he has, etc.  One night, someone was trying to
> break into his garage, and he scared them
> off with his '45.
> Since then, for security purposes, he's dismantled the fuelless
> motor technology; but the patented "wind turbine" is still
> powering his home.
> Though he's wanted to have these things be a "Made in U.S.A."
> product, he's met mostly deaf ears in the United States; but
> has garnered a lot of interest in China, Japan, and South Korea.

I agree with Mark. "Sounds too good to be true."

After reading this article the "device" and the convenient and also
intriguing story that is told, it reads like a classic scam operation,
at least to my sensibilities. Every dangnabit time I read about these
claims there's ALWAYS a conspiracy of some ilk involved!

I just bet if anyone attempts to gather the slightest bit of proof,
like a monthly energy bill from Mr. Boswell's home they will come away
empty handed.

I hope I'm wrong. I"d love to be wrong! But I'm not going to hold my
breath. Like the old lady in the burger commercial: "Where's the

Steven Vincent Johnson

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