--- Rhong Dhong <rongdon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I don't know why people are getting worked up about
> O's national service proposal: plenty of countries
> have or have had that. The US had a draft from 1940
> to around 1972 and it didn't destroy liberty.

1. We are not other countries. If we can't Americanize
them (and I don't necessarily think we should), don't
try to convert us into "other countries."

2. The same party that opposed the draft and wanted
amnesty for draft evaders, is now that which proposes
the same, possibly much worse, thing.
> Americans need to get in line, toe the line, keep
> quiet, and obey orders. That sort of discipline
> would do wonders for them.

Excuse me. I am in line. I do the best I can to help
my fellow human being, WITHOUT being forced to. I
/TOW/ the line. I pay my taxes without question, I
help people whenever I can, I give out of my own
pocket what I rightfully earned for myself. As I type
this, I returned with my wife from the grocery store.
I picked her up, as she works there. We didn't need to
buy anything, but some local church had a food drive
going on. We bought $50 worth of items and gave it to
them. They were surprised that we bought one of
everything on the list; most just bought one or two
things, felt good for what they did, and went back to
their SUV and/or brand new hybrid with an Obama
sticker on it. 

I drive a beat up piece of crap, barely make ends
meet, and yet I gave. $50 for us is a LOT of money. So
fuck you and people like you for telling ME to keep
quiet and get in line. Take your "discipline," which
the NSDAP would have loved, and shove it where the sun
don't shine.
> O's proposal is a step in the right direction.

No it is not. You should read a bit about pre-WWII



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