William J Broad
New York Times

Dear Mr. Broad;

Someone posted your article on the National Almost Ignition Facility on Vortex-L, scientific anomalies. I appreciate your mentioning the reservations that some people have regarding this boondoggle. The physics establishment, P E, has done their best to squander as much taxpayer money as possible on technology, which some of us believe is a dead end. One of the Vortexians, Ed Storms, retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory, has written about a problem called the "first wall." Dr. Storms argument is that, even if they can succeed in getting more energy out than they put in, they have no idea how to solve the first wall problem. He is of the opinion that there is no solution to the first wall problem.

I would also like to mention my pet peeve, that there are several alternative approaches to the problem of finding a pollution free source of energy. The P E, and their union the American Physical Society, has done their best to strangle all of these technologies in their cradle. We, researchers in these technologies, have be self funding, while the P E continues pushing ahead down the dead end road, paving it with government money.

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