>From Thomas:

> I have previously heard of this Australian inventor claims that his
> motor produces 24 KW. Has anybody heard anything about him lately?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efCelx7qe_M&NR=1

It was fun to watch. Nevertheless, the YouTube video seems to follow a
same pattern of similar inventions of this nature: We are given a
promising "presentation" but with little substance to back up such
claims. No where in this report is there any indication that the
inventors have closed the loop. What the inventors seem to claim is
that the device generates approximately five times the amount of power
it consumes. What???? That claim in itself should raise in immediate
red flag. If this device is generating that much output power versus
input power consumed the inventors should have closed the loop long,
long, LONG ago. The device shouldn't need to have to consume ANY
outside power whatsoever. The fact that there does not appear to be
any indication that that the inventors have actually done so should
immediately draw harsh suspicion.

Perhaps the You-Tube video was badly edited and important facts were
left out. I hope so. But I doubt it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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